
Anne novak ong namo guru dev namo
Anne novak ong namo guru dev namo

In all it means, "I call upon Divine Wisdom". ("Om" or Aum is God absolute and unmanifested), Namo is "reverent greetings' implying humility, Guru means "teacher or wisdom", Dev means "Divine or of God" and Namo reaffirms humility and reverence. Ong is "Infinite Creative energy in manifestation and activity". ONG NAMO, GURU DEV NAMO should always precede Kundalini Yoga practice, tuning one in to the higher self. ONG means Creator - the Primal Vibration from which all creativity flows. HUM DUM HAR HAR opens the Heart Chakra and means "We the universe, God, God." HAR means Creative Infinity, a name of God. GURU GURU WAHE GURU, GURU RAM DAS GURU calls upon Guru Ram Das in praise of his spiritual guiding light and protective grace. It brings stability to the hemispheres of the brain and works on the Heart Center to develop compassion, patience and tolerance, uniting one with the Infinite. GOBINDE, MUKUNDE, UDARE, APARE, HARING, KARING, NIRNAME, AKAME means "sustainer, liberator, enlightener, infinite, destroyer, creator, nameless, desireless". Great is the ecstasy of that Supreme Wisdom"! Taken together it means, "There is one Creator whose name is Truth. Ek means "One, the essence of all", Ong is the primal vibration from which all creativity flows, Kar is "creation", Sat "truth", Nam "name" Siri "great", Wha "ecstasy," and Guru is "wisdom". Nanak shall ever be true."ĮK ONG KAR, SAT NAM, SIRI WHA (HE) GURU is very powerful for awakening the Kundalini and suspending the mind in bliss. He does everything, fearless, without anger, undying, unborn, self-realized, realized thru Guru's Grace, Meditate: He was true in the beginning, true thru all the ages, true even now. It means, "There is one Creator - Truth revealed through Guru's grace".ĮK ONG KAR, SAT NAM, KARTA PURKH, NIRBHAO, NIRVAIR,ĪKAL MOORT, AJUNI, SAI BHANG, GUR PRASAD, JAP,ĪD SUCH, JUGAD SUCH, HABHE SUCH, NANAK HOSI BHEE SUCH Many pages are devoted to the explanation of this mantra and we are warned to chant it in reverence. It is usually chanted in reverse (Ek Ong Kar, Sat Gur Prasad, Sat Gur Prasad, Ek Ong Kar). Guarantees by the grace of Guru Amar Das, who is hope for the hopeless, and Guru Ram Das, who is King of the Yogis and Bestower of Blessings, past, present and future, that the prayer will be answered, and that all one's needs are provided for, signed, sealed and delivered!ĭharti means "earth" and Akash is Ether, and Guru Ram Das is the venerated 4th Sikh Guru.ĮK ONG KAR, SAT GUR PRASAD, SAT GUR PRASAD, EK ONG KAR, the Magic Mantra, so named for its power and sacredness.

anne novak ong namo guru dev namo anne novak ong namo guru dev namo

Chanted for prosperity.ĪRDAS PAYE, AMAR DAS GURU, AMAR DAS GURU,ĪRDAS PAYE, RAM DAS GURU, RAM DAS GURU, RAM DAS GURU, means "The Lord Himself has become our protector, the Truest of True has taken care of us, God, God, God", or "The Lord Himself is my refuge, true is the support of the True Lord". Adi Shakti means the "Primal Power," Sarab Shakti means "All Power", and Prithum Bhagawati means "which creates through God."ĪKAL, MAHA KAL means "Undying, Great death" is a powerful life-giving chant removing fear and relaxing the mind.ĪP SAHAEE HOA SACHE DA SACHE DHOA, HAR, HAR, HAR. Chanting it eliminates fears and fulfils desires. This mantra tunes into the frequency of the Divine Mother, and to primal protective, generating energy. KUNDALINI, MATA SHAKTI, MATA SHAKTI, NAMO, NAMO. PRITHUM BHAGAWATI, PRITHUM BHAGAWATI, PRITHUM BHAGAWATI, NAMO NAMO, SARAB SHAKTI, SARAB SHAKTI, SARAB SHAKTI, NAMO NAMO, It surrounds the magnetic field with protective light, and means "I bow to the primal Guru (guiding consciousness who takes us to God-Realization), I bow to wisdom through the ages, I bow to True Wisdom, I bow to the great, unseen wisdom."ĪDI SHAKTI, ADI SHAKTI, ADI SHAKTI, NAMO NAMO, Some of the most frequently used, and hence important, mantras are given below:ĪD GURAY NAMEH, JUGAD GURAY NAMEH, SAT GURAY NAMEH, SIRI GURU DEVAY NAMEH is chanted for protection.

anne novak ong namo guru dev namo

Introduction to Kundalini Yoga - 2 Vols.

anne novak ong namo guru dev namo

  • Lesson 25 - Change, Creation and Choice.
  • Lesson 24 - The Gift of Giving and Receiving.
  • Lesson 21 - Surrender to the Zone - Meditation and Intuition.
  • Lesson 20 - Earth, the First Chakra and Intuition.
  • Lesson 19 - Posture and the Heart Chakra.
  • Lesson 16 - Shabad Kriya - Bedtime Meditation.
  • Lesson 15 - Kirtan Kriya - SA TA NA MA Meditation.
  • Lesson 14 - Prosperity: the Path of Manifestation.
  • Lesson 10 - The Navel Center and the Lower Triangle.
  • Lesson 8 - Activating the Kundalini, Locks (Bhandas).
  • Lesson 7 - Pranayama - Breathing Techniques.

  • Anne novak ong namo guru dev namo